中 台 山 月 刊 102 期 |
中台廣傳 |
編輯部整理 找到人生新能量 ![]() 「為了讓精舍充滿新春的喜氣,除夕前到精舍發心插花,莊嚴道場。看見其他師兄們,主動參與佈置工作,人人臉上充滿法喜,慶幸自己也是學佛之人,才能有因緣與大眾共同成就這份功德,同霑法喜。有了這份正念,發現自己的花藝作品居然比以前進步更多。」 「有了佛法為依歸,過年不再是忙、盲、茫的苦悶,而是像充過電的電池,有更多的能量,朝『修善積福』的方向精進用功。」在佛法中找到人生新能量的普照精舍學員傳溫,以感恩的心,分享著不一樣的歲末除舊心情。 在這裡 有了不一樣的生活 ![]() 「很感恩住家附近成立了一所普廣精舍。在這裡,我有了不一樣的生活。每天到精舍出坡、禮佛、懺悔、誦經、禪修、上課,聽法師的開示,然後把聽到的佛法,從法師行止上學習的身教、言教,對照到自己的身心上來,反省檢討,改過遷善。」 「如今的新年,是在虔敬的誦經聲中,住持法師諄諄的開示裡,學員互相祝願下,展開了新歲。祈願三界眾生身心自在,同參道友永持梵行,心性調柔,畢竟無垢!」 回到清淨的故鄉 ![]() 「今年的新年,放下以往的方式,在泰佛寺與法師們圍爐,共享如來家庭的溫馨。在三寶的大家庭中,慈悲的法師為了大眾不眠不休辛苦張羅一切,身為弟子的我們不忍法師們的辛勞,也在泰佛寺盡一己微薄之力,雖然有點累,但能分擔些許工作也是自己的福報。」 「參與新春法會期間,看到形形色色、來去匆忙的大眾,平時忙於家庭、事業,過年期間更要忙於應酬、拜年、娛樂。反觀自己真是有福報,除了可以關掉手機,享有清淨閒暇,且能參與法會,從中體會『狂心頓歇,歇即菩提』的深義,在擾攘的迷途中回到清淨的故鄉。這真是自己生命中殊勝難得的新年開始。」 有「變」才有進步 ![]() 有許多因素障礙我們獲得真正的快樂。而佛法中,六波羅蜜之首的布施,讓自己體會到無怨無悔、不求回報的付出才是獲得平靜與喜悅的最好方法。 到普德精舍上課三年多,這段期間在英文禪修班發心當義工,見過剛進精舍的新學員,原本懷著憂傷、生氣的眼神,經幾個禮拜的薰修之後,看到的卻是閃亮的眼神以及喜悅的表情。這是中台弘法度眾的結果,讓每個人過著有意義的人生;也是讓自己繼續精進禪修,並持續到精舍發心的原因。 在普德精舍發心的期間,曾有一段不可思議的經歷,原本認為不可能的事情,竟然發生了。就在幾年的努力後,自己終於和家人建立良好的關係。我的工作一直都很順利,升遷了好幾次,甚至被公司派任到歐洲。很清楚這些都是因為自己護持道場,並用功修行的結果。 新的一年到來,我們必須反觀自照才能找尋真正的快樂。所以,有「變」才會有進步。 (原文:The celebration of the New Year symbolizes change. It is a time to reflect on our past and a time to set new goals for the future. For me, I see the New Year celebration as a true indicator of impermanence. There are so many elements that hinder true happiness. In the six paramitas charity or giving is the first teaching. I have found that giving without regret or without wanting anything in return is the best way to gain peace and happiness. I have been a student at Chung Tai Zen Center of Houston for more than three years. During that time I have been a volunteer for the English classes. I have seen new students enter the center with sadness and anger in their eyes and after only a few weeks of practicing meditation, I see the eyes are full of brightness and their face full of joy. It is an indication that Chung Tai teaches everyone the way to a meaningful life and that I must continue my effort in meditation and to donate my time to the center. I have had an incredible journey during my time here. I have had extraordinary events occur that were once impossible. I have finally built a good relationship with my family after many years of struggle. I have been very successful at work. I have received numerous promotions and even traveled to Europe for my company. I am aware that these positive experiences are due to my practice and for the charitable contributions to Chung Tai. With the New Year upon us we must look within ourselves to find true happiness. Without change there is no progress.) 每一刻都充滿祝福 ![]() 多年前,我的新年新希望都是『我應該,我必須……』,往往以自我為中心。然而,今年的新希望出乎意料之外,不是那些我必須而是我已經做到的事。 回顧過去一年,心中充滿了感恩,感恩自己不僅擁有一個美滿的家庭,而且能有因緣和許多善知識同行菩提大道。 十分地感恩他們每一位所分享的豐富經驗。他們慈悲地接納我,不斷地鼓勵我,他們的包容和力量,如同一面鏡子,照出了我對自己以及對周遭的人的希望。所以,這個新年有了新的願望和責任。因為每一刻都是祝福,菩提道上每一步都是法喜,及宛若清水般的寧靜。」 (原文:When reflecting on the Lunar New Year, it becomes clear that my priorities have changed compared to those of previous years. Many years ago, my New Year's resolutions were filled with "should and have to" often rather self-centered. However, this New Year comes as a surprise to me not so much because of the things that need to be done but for what has already been accomplished. Looking back at the past year, I was filled with gratitude not only because I am blessed with a wonderful family, but also because I have the chance to walk the Buddhist path along with so many incredibly kind companions. Each of them has brought a wealth of experiences for which I am deeply grateful. Their benevolent acceptance of my shortcomings, their persistence in keeping me on the path, their tolerance and their strength is like a mirror which reflects my hopes for myself and for those around me. So this New Year comes with renewed vows, and responsibilities. For each moment is a blessing and each step of the way is joyful and peaceful like clear water.) 新春播心種,一粒種子,一個希望!萬象欣欣,草木向榮,普願大眾新的一年皆能尋得自己的「心」種,遍植善因;歲末冬藏,必能倉廩豐盈,展望未來更是菩提花開,福慧莊嚴。 |