Dharma Stories
Dharma Stories


One day, a snake’s tail said to its head, “I should be the one to lead the way!”

The head replied, “I’ve always decided where to go. Why should you do it?”

Completely ignoring the tail, the snake’s head continued going forward.

The tail was infuriated and wound itself around a tree, refusing to wriggle another inch. Though the head pulled with all its might, it was to no avail, and soon they were both exhausted.

Finally, the head gave in and let the tail lead the way. Exhilarated, the tail thought, “At last! I am in charge!”

In its excitement, the tail forgot that it did not have any eyes with which to see the trail ahead. Without an inkling of where it was going, the snake slid into a fire pit and was burned alive.


This parable may seem preposterous at first, but many people who lack tolerance engage in deluded or self-serving behavior without realizing the karma that links them to others. In this way, they unknowingly head for danger. The purpose of Buddhist cultivation is to help us overcome these tendencies and approach all circumstances with wisdom and compassion.