中 台 山 月 刊 150 期 |
红尘清泉 |
菲律宾海天禅寺二○一二年菩提星儿童禅修营 文/海天禅寺提供 ![]() 经过数周紧锣密鼓的筹备,菲律宾海天禅寺菩提星儿童禅修营于四月二十五日至二十九日正式登场。为期五天的营队,约八十位小星参加、一百余位义工投入护星行列。
透过禅修,小星们日益沉稳。配合每日不同的主题,营队也安排多样化的才艺课程,例如:在创意美劳中,小星们用心制作送给父母的礼物;素食烹饪课,学习慈心不杀;在染衣、串珠及武术课程中,体会和谐、真诚的真义;并学习梵呗、法器及华语课程。 第五天的感恩法会中,恭诵《佛说父母恩重难报经》。随后,小星向父母诉说心中的感谢,让父母们感动不已。台北经济文化办事处驻菲律宾廖副代表、菲律宾警政署将军Arturo Cacdac Jr.、护法会陈会长等嘉宾,带着肯定、欢喜的心,于结业式中致辞。传灯大典中,来宾、家长、大小星及护星菩萨们,从法师手中接下明灯,排出中台禅寺金顶图样,共发菩提心愿。经过五天的学习与历练,菩提心苗已然深植于每一位与会者的心中。 学童心得 Aleeza╱Many heartwarming thanks to Abbess and Shifus for being so compassionate in giving us this chance to let us learn not only knowledge but the facts of life.(衷心感谢住持法师及常住法师们慈悲举办这个活动,我们学习到的不只是知识,更学习到生命的意义。) Zarah╱I learned how to meditate and be more focused.(我学会了静坐,让自己更专注、摄心。) Ginea╱I learned about Respect and Compassion. We must respect other people whether they are older or younger. Also we must be compassionate; we must put others first.(我学会了恭敬和慈悲。不管是年轻人或老年人,我们都应该尊敬他们。也要有慈悲心,优先考虑别人。) 队辅心得 Joan╱After the closing program, children talked to several volunteers and expressed their joy and commitment to help out their parents and siblings in whatever way they can. And their gestures, smiles, laughter, and stares all indicated that the virtues of respect, compassion, harmony, sincerity, and thankfulness have been impressed upon them. The young ones have been truly transformed in this camp.(小朋友在结业式后向护星菩萨们表达心中的法喜,并发愿要帮助父母和兄弟姊妹;在他们的举手投足之间自然散发出恭敬、慈悲、和谐、真诚与感恩等美德,在禅修营中,孩子已经真正改变了。) 家长心得 Shiri╱I am proud that my child is a part of this wonderful activity. We're not only seeing children learn the wisdom of the Dharma, meditation, vegetarianism, but above all, our children were being taught to be morally upright young citizen of this country even at their early age. If all children experience this camp, I think the Philippines will be a better and more secure place for children to be in.(我很高兴将孩子送来这里学习,他们除了学到佛法的智慧、静坐和吃素以外,更重要的是在这么小的年纪就学会要作一个正直的公民。假使所有的小朋友都能来参加禅修营,相信菲律宾必定会成为孩子们的天堂!) |