禪寺介紹![]() 海天禪寺座落在交通便利、氣候溫和,有「小碧瑤」之稱的青山區。五層樓高的獨棟建築,寬敞明亮、清淨素雅,禪堂與講堂均可容納上百人禪修禮懺、聽經聞法。自二○○二年成立以來,即積極開辦各級中文禪修班、英文禪修班、梵唄班、兒童暑期禪修夏令營等課程,並定期舉行禮懺、共修等法會,希望將菩提種子深植於每個人的心中。 |
2012年 2013年 2014年 2017年
2015年 2019年 2024年
班 別 | 上課日期 | 星期 | 時間 | Notes |
英文禪修 | ||||
初級禪修班 | 1/18-6/21 | 六 | 10:00-12:00nn | 符合報名資格者 |
中級禪修班 | 1/14-6/17 | 二 | 7:00-9:00pm | 須初級班結業 |
中級禪修班 | 1/18-6/21 | 六 | 1:30-3:30pm | 須初級班結業 |
高級禪修班 | 1/19-6/22 | 日 | 1:00-3:00pm | 須中級班結業 |
研經禪修班 | 1/19-6/22 | 日 | 9:30-11:30am | 須高級班結業 |
中文禪修 | ||||
初級禪修班 | 1/13-6/16 | 一 | 7:00-9:00pm | 符合報名資格者 |
研經禪修班 | 1/15-6/18 | 三 | 7:00-9:00pm | 須高級班結業 |
其他課程 | ||||
兒童禪修班 | 1/25-7/12 | 六 | 3:00-5:00pm | 禪修、才藝課程 (6歲~12歲) |
華語班 | 1/25-6/14 | 六 | 4:00-5:00pm | 基礎中文會話 / 限禪修班學員 |
法 會 名 稱 | 日期 | 星期 | 時間 | 備 註 |
中台禪寺114年度 傳授八關齋戒戒會 |
12/31/ 2024- 1/1/2025 |
二-三 | 台灣中台禪寺 | |
臘八掃塔法會 | 1/1 | 三 | 9:30am-12:00nn | 海天將同步連線中台參與法會 |
《三昧水懺》 年度共修啟建法會 |
1/1 | 三 | 2:30pm-4:30pm | 禮拜《三昧水懺》 |
中台山春季學界精進禪七 | 1/16-1/23 | 四-四 | 台灣中台禪寺/穿著居士服 | |
中台山春季大眾精進禪七 | 1/30-2/6 | 四-四 | 台灣中台禪寺/穿著海青 | |
新春普門品祈福法會 | 1/29 | 三 | 9:00am-5:00pm | 農曆大年初一 十福臨門闖心關 |
半日禪 | 2/9, 3/9, 5/25 | 日 | 3:00pm-6:00pm | 2pm-2:45pm報到 |
清明孝親報恩法會 | 3/23 | 日 | 9:00am-1:30pm | 恭誦禮拜《金剛寶懺》 |
朝聖—開山祖忌法會 | 4/6-4/10 | 日-四 | 台灣中台禪寺 | |
慶祝三零五二年佛誕浴佛 暨夏安居報恩藥師 及母親節感恩法會 |
5/4 | 日 | 9:00am-1:30pm | 浴佛大典、恭誦《藥師經》、《父母恩重難報經》 |
英文《藥師經》法會 | 6/8 | 日 | 3:00pm-5:00pm | 恭誦英文版《藥師經》 |
一日禪 | 7/6 | 日 | 9:30am-5:00pm | 8:30am-9:15am報到 |
法 會 名 稱 Ceremony |
日期 Date |
星期 Day |
時間 Time |
內容 Program includes: |
週五共修法會 | 每週五 | 7-9pm | 禮拜《三昧水懺》 | |
恭誦中文在家菩薩戒 | 1/17, 3/14, 5/16 | 4:00-4:40pm | ||
恭誦英文在家菩薩戒 | 1/19, 3/16, 5/18 | 3:30-4:30pm |
●ClassesClass | Date | Day | Time | Notes |
Zen Level 1 | 1/18-6/21 | Sat | 10:00-12:00nn | <No Prerequisites> |
Zen Level 2 | 1/14-6/17 | Tue | 7:00-9:00pm | Level 1 Certificate Required |
Zen Level 2 | 1/18-6/21 | Sat | 1:30-3:30pm | Level 1 Certificate Required |
Zen Level 3 | 1/19-6/22 | Sun | 1:00-3:00pm | Level 2 Certificate Required |
Sutra Study | 1/19-6/22 | Sun | 9:30-11:30am | Level 3 Certificate Required |
Zen Level 1 | 1/13-6/16 | Mon | 7:00-9:00pm | <No Prerequisites> |
Sutra Study | 1/15-6/18 | Wed | 7:00-9:00pm | Level 3 Certificate Required |
Bodhi Star Meditation Class for Kids | 1/25-7/12 | Sat | 3:00-5:00pm | Age 6-12 |
Mandarin Class | 1/25-6/14 | Sat | 4:00-5:00pm | Limited to Meditation Students Only |
■All participants should be in good psychological and physical health. Please register in person.
Bring one valid proof of identification.
■All programs are free of charge. We are supported by your generous donations.
■Wear meditation uniform or any comfortable, modest attire and SOCKS.
Optional meditation clothing can be obtained at the monastery.
Do not wear low cut dresses/blouses, short skirts, short pants, or go bare feet.
■No pets, non-vegetarian food, smoking, or alcohol are permitted on the premises.
Please feel free to call for information or visit in person.
Ceremony | Date | Day | Time | Program includes: |
CTCM Transmission of the Eight Prohibitive and Fasting Precepts | 12/31/ 2024- 1/1/ 2025 |
Tue- Wed |
Chung Tai Chan Monastery, Taiwan | |
The Sweeping Ceremony of the Founding Abbot Pagoda on Buddha' s Enlightenment Day | 1/1 | Wed | 9:30am-12:00nn | Join Chung Tai Ceremony by Live Stream at Ocean Sky |
The Starting Ceremony of The Compassionate Samadhi Water Repentance |
1/1 | Wed | 2:30pm-4:30pm | Repentance Prostrations According to The Compassionate Samadhi Water Repentance |
CTCM Spring Chan-7 Retreat I | 1/16-1/23 | Thu- Thu |
Chung Tai Chan Monastery, Taiwan/ wear meditation uniform | |
CTCM Spring Chan-7 Retreat II | 1/30-2/6 | Thu- Thu |
Chung Tai Chan Monastery, Taiwan/ wear black robe | |
Chinese New Year and The Universal Gateway of Guanyin Bodhisattva Blessing Ceremony | 1/29 | Wed | 9:00am-5:00pm | Chinese New Year' s Day Ten Auspicious Gateways to the Mind |
Half-day Chan Retreat | 2/9, 3/9, 5/25 | Sun | 3:00pm-6:00pm | Sign in 2pm-2:45pm |
Qing Ming Filial Piety Ceremony | 3/23 | Sun | 9:00am-1:30pm | Chanting the Diamond Repentance Liturgy |
Pilgrimage Trip to Founding Abbot Memorial Service | 4/6-4/10 | Sun- Thu |
Chung Tai Chan Monastery | |
3052 Buddha Bathing Ceremony, the Opening Ceremony of Summer Sangha Retreat Medicine Buddha Sutra Chanting, and Mother' s Day Celebration |
5/4 | Sun | 9:00am-1:30pm | Buddha Bathing Ceremony, Chanting the Medicine Buddha Sutra and the Sutra on the Profound Kindness of Parents |
Medicine Buddha Sutra Ceremony (in English) |
6/8 | Sun | 3:00pm-5:00pm | Chanting the Medicine Buddha Sutra in English |
One-Day Chan Retreat | 7/6 | Sun | 9:30am-5:00pm | Sign in 8:30am-9:15am |
Ceremony | Date | Day | Time | Program includes: |
Friday Repentance Ceremony | Every Friday | 7:00pm-9:00pm | Repentance Prostrations according to The Compassionate Samadhi Water Repentance | |
Recitation of Lay Bodhisattva Precepts in Chinese | 1/17, 3/14, 5/16 | 4:00-4:40pm | ||
Recitation of Lay Bodhisattva Precepts in English | 1/19, 3/16, 5/18 | 3:30-4:30pm |
10 Fasting Days (No Solid Food after Lunch) : The 1st, 8th, 14th, 15th, 18th, 23rd, 24th, 28th, 29th &
30th day of each lunar month.